Terms of Use of the website Belany.ro

The Terms have been published: 

Current edition: 

Welcome to Belany — Your wholesale store for floral and gift packaging needs. As a customer-focused enterprise, Belany is committed to providing You with top-notch products tailored to meet Your business needs. Our team meticulously selects every item that enters Our inventory because Our ultimate goal is to ensure Your customers are satisfied, and You reap substantial profits. Whether You're a small business owner or a large corporation, Our goal remains the same: to help You impress Your customers and achieve success in Your endeavors.

Crafted with care, Our product range caters to diverse preferences and purposes, reflecting Our commitment to offering versatility and excellence. Whether You're seeking elegant packaging solutions or eye-catching floral arrangements, Belany is Your trusted partner in achieving success. 

Thank You for choosing Belany. Together, let's elevate Your business to new heights of success.

The Terms of Use document serves as a legally binding agreement between Belany and the User. By accessing and using the Services provided by Belany, You agree to abide by the terms outlined herein. These Terms govern the use of Our Site, and the interactions between You, as potential customer, and Belany, the Services provider.

It is imperative that You read, understand and consent to these Terms before engaging with Our Site to ensure a mutually beneficial relationship. Should You have any questions or concerns regarding these Terms, please don't hesitate to reach out to Our support team for clarification using the e-mail address specified in section 18 hereof.

Our Privacy Policy and other relevant policies incorporated herein represent an integral part of these Terms of Use and are integrated into them by reference. You confirm that You have consulted and accepted the terms of Our Privacy Policy, available on https://belany.ro/privacy/.

Please, stop using the Site if You do not agree with these Terms of Use and/or the Privacy Policy. 

Please be aware that the Terms of Use do not govern the relationship between Belany, as a seller, and customers, as buyers, regarding Orders placed on the Site and associated with them. For this purpose, please refer to the Public Offer at the following link: _____.

For convenience, We use the following terms:

“Terms of Use” - this document available at: https://belany.ro/terms-of-use/ (hereinafter - “Terms”). 

“Belany” -  BELANY S.R.L., registered office: Bucharest Sector 3, NERVA TRAIAN Street, № 27-33, BUILDING № 6, Staircase B, 1st Floor; unique registration code: 49085336 from 08.11.2023;  commercial register number: J40/21124/2023 dated 08.11.2023;  unique European identifier (EUID): ROONRC.J40/21124/2023 (hereinafter - “Company”, “We”, “Us”, “Our”).

“Site” - the website of the Company, https://belany.ro, all its Content and links that lead to this website.

“Services” - collectively refers to the functionalities, features, and resources provided through the Site, including but not limited to browsing, purchasing products, accessing product information, and engaging with customer support.

Account” — electronic service made available to the User by the Site, identified by the email address (Login) and Password, entered by the User, resources collected by the Site's IT system and allowing the User to use additional functionalities / services (i.e. viewing Orders, etc.).

Login” — the User's email address provided within the Site during Account creation.

Password” — an alphanumeric string required to authorize access to the Account, set by the User when creating an Account.

“User” - any individual or entity that accesses or uses the Site, including but not limited to customers, visitors, and any other parties interacting with the Site (hereinafter - “User”, “You”, “Your”).

Order” — a request of the User addressed to the Belany through the Site to buy a certain Goods or several Goods that are distributed or sold by the Belany.

Goods” - any tangible movable property distributed and supplied by the Belany and which has been ordered by the User.

“Content” - any information and materials that are intentionally presented and made available within the Site, including, but not limited to, data, text, product descriptions, images, graphics, logos, articles, and any other materials made available on or through the Site. 

“Personal Data” - any information relating to a natural person who is identified or can be identified with the help of this information (hereinafter - “Personal Data”, “Data”).

1. About the Site and its functionality

1.1. The use of the Site is at the User's own risk and at the User's own will. The Services are provided to Users on a free and cost-free basis, subject to adherence to the Terms of Use. The Site serves as a digital e-commerce platform through which Users can engage with the Company's offerings and Services. Users may engage with the Site's features within the provided functionality and in accordance with these Terms. These functionalities encompass, inter alia:

  • Goods exploration: Users are provided with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with a comprehensive catalog of Goods selected and offered for sale by the Company. Each item within the catalog is accompanied by a detailed description, including specifications, features, pricing, and any other pertinent information crucial for informed decision-making by the User as a potential buyer.

  • Account creation: Users are afforded the opportunity to establish individual Accounts on the Site, thereby unlocking a spectrum of personalized features and enhanced functionalities.

  • Order placement: The Site facilitates seamless Order placement for Goods featured in the Company's inventory. Users can navigate through product listings, select desired items, and proceed to securely complete transactions using the designated payment methods. Users have the opportunity to conclude distance sales contracts with the Company through the Site on the terms and conditions governed by the public offer agreement.

  • Information access: The Site provides Users with comprehensive access to essential information concerning the Company's operations, Goods, and policies. This includes detailed insights into the Company's mission, values, and commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Transparent pricing structures and information on available discounts ensure clarity and fairness in transactions. Clear guidelines on shipping options, delivery times, and associated costs facilitate smooth and reliable Order fulfillment. Information regarding accepted payment methods, and transaction processes ensures a secure and seamless checkout experience. 

  • Communication channels: Using the contact information section provided on the Site, the Users are able to initiate inquiries, provide feedback, seek assistance or conduct any necessary correspondence, thereby facilitating smooth interaction and resolution of requests.

Furthermore, Users are encouraged to explore and utilize the Site for other purposes within the available functionality and in accordance with the terms outlined herein.

2. Account registration 

2.1. Registration on the Site is voluntary. Users have the option to register and open an Account, although it is not a mandatory requirement for placing Orders and purchasing Goods from the Site. However, by creating an Account on the Site, Users gain access to various benefits, including, but not limited to: 

  • Reviewing and (if necessary) editing the Personal Data used in the Order placement process. 

  • Viewing all Orders placed by the User. 

  • Checking the status of the User's bonus account, if applicable.

2.2. Only an individual with the appropriate legal capacity, a legal entity, or a separate subdivision may be the owner of an Account. In the case of legal entities and separate subdivisions, only the authorized person acting on their behalf can create an Account and perform any actions on the Site. The Site provides Users with the option to establish Accounts tailored to their specific needs. Individuals can create personal Accounts designed for personal use, while legal entities and separate subdivisions have the alternative to set up corporate Accounts, catering to their organizational requirements.

2.3. To register a personal Account, Users are required:

a. to fill out the form available on the Site and provide the required data, including Your full name, phone number, city and set a password (the password should meet the specified criteria for security purposes) or authentication through an external service provider such as Facebook or Google;

b. to familiarize Yourself with the terms of the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use, accepting their terms and conditions. This is done by ticking the appropriate checkbox indicating acceptance of these policies.

2.4. To register a corporate Account, the User shall: 

a. select the option of registering on behalf of a company in the registration form and fill in the required data, namely: company name, registration number, VAT number (if any), company address (including country, district, city / town, street address, postal code, etc.), information on the company's corporate account (IBAN number and the name of the bank where the account is opened), full name of the authorized representative who will carry out the registration, email address and phone number, and set a password (the password should meet the specified criteria for security purposes);

b. familiarize Yourself with the terms of the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use, accepting their terms and conditions. This is done by ticking the appropriate checkbox indicating acceptance of these policies.

2.5. The registration data must be provided in full and correctly, and the User is obliged to always keep the registration data up to date. Certain categories of data may be optional, providing Users with the flexibility to choose whether to provide additional information beyond the required fields. 

2.6. Registration of personal Accounts on the Site does not necessitate any confirmations or additional actions from the User. The personal Account will be deemed created and activated immediately upon the User's confirmation of his / her intention to register by clicking the designated button in the registration form. In the event that a User intends to register a corporate Account, once the requisite registration procedure is completed, the corresponding form will be submitted to the Company for approval.  The Company undertakes to review the corporate Account registration request within 3 (three) business days. During this period, the Company will assess whether to approve or decline the registration of the corporate Account. A notification email containing the decision will be sent to the User's provided email address. It is important to note that the Company reserves the right to withhold disclosure of the reasons for refusing registration.  

2.7. While registering a personal Account on the Site, the User certifies that: 

  • He / she has reached the age of 18 or the age of majority in the jurisdiction where the User resides and from which he / she uses the Services to open an Account, or has obtained consent for registration from guardians, custodians, or other legal representatives. 

  • He / she has read, fully understood, and unconditionally accepts all the terms of the Terms and the conditions set forth in the sections (pages) of the Site. 

  • The Personal Data provided is true and belongs to the User, or the User is authorized under his / her own social media Account. 

  • He / she will use the personal Account solely for lawful purposes and in accordance with the Terms of Use specified by the Site.

  • He / she acknowledges and agrees that any actions taken using his / her personal Account are User’s responsibility and may have legal consequences.

  • He / she will not engage in any unauthorized or unlawful activities on the Site.

  • He / she consents to the transfer of his / her Personal Data to third parties (including foreign entities involved in Personal Data relationships), its processing, storage, transfer, and use for the purposes and under the conditions defined by the Privacy Policy. 

2.8. While registering a corporate Account on the Site, the User certifies that: 

  • He / she is duly authorized to act on behalf of the company for which the Account is being registered, and he /she has the legal authority to bind the company to these Terms of Use and any other agreements entered into on the Site. 

  • He / she has read, understood, and agreed to comply with all provisions of the Terms of use, including any additional terms and policies referenced therein. 

  • He / she will use the corporate Account solely for legitimate business purposes related to the activities of the company and will not engage in any unauthorized or unlawful activities on the Site. 

  • He / she acknowledges that any actions taken using the corporate Account are legally binding on the company and accept responsibility for such actions.

  • He / she acknowledges that the Company reserves the right to verify the information provided during registration and may require additional documentation or proof of authorization before activating the corporate Account for use on the Site.

  • He / she will keep the login credentials associated with the corporate Account confidential and will not share them with unauthorized individuals.

2.9. To the extent available, the User shall be entitled to create multiple Accounts. Each User’s Account shall be provided with individual access credentials, which may be linked to an authentication service. The Site imposes limitations on the creation of Accounts, stipulating that each User may only create one Account using a unique email address and/or phone number. Registering multiple Accounts with the same email address and/or phone number is strictly prohibited. Any attempt to register a new Account using the same email address and/or phone number associated with an existing Account will be considered a violation of these Terms and is not allowed.

3. Account management

3.1. Once Your Account is registered, You can log in to it by entering Your email address or phone number along with Your password that were provided during enrollment.

3.2. The User Account comprises three distinct sections: “Account data”, “My orders” and “Bonus account”, each offering unique functionalities tailored to enhance the User's experience on the Site. 

  • Account data: In this section, Users who own personal Accounts can update his / her Personal Data provided during registration and add new data, such as date of birth, gender, and additional phone number for personal Account. For corporate Account Users, this service is allowed, but the scope of information that can be changed and/or supplemented may differ and depends on the information provided when filling out the registration form. Users have the option to specify preferred delivery methods and addresses to expedite and streamline the Ordering process on the Site. These preferences serve as the default settings for all future Orders placed by the User. 

  • My Orders: The section allows Users to review a comprehensive list of their past Orders placed on the Site. Users can track the status of their Orders in real-time, providing visibility into Order processing, shipping, and delivery updates.

  • Bonus account: In this section, Users can access information regarding any bonus points they have accrued for use, if applicable. This section provides details on the number of bonus points available to the User and their respective validity periods, enabling Users to maximize the benefits of their bonus points when making future purchases on the Site.

3.3. A registered Account on the Site is valid perpetually. If the User wishes to delete his / her / its Account, he / she / it has the opportunity to submit a corresponding request for deletion to the Company using the Account functionality. Upon submission of the deletion request, the Account will be frozen for a period of 30 (thirty) calendar days, during which the User will be unable to take any actions within or using the Account. During this aforementioned period, the User has the right to withdraw their request and restore the functionality of the Account. However, if the 30 (thirty) calendar days expire without the User withdrawing their request, the Account and all associated data will be permanently deleted.

4. Goods catalog

4.1. Detailed information about the Goods offered for sale by the Company, including prices, can be found on the Site. The prices are indicated in RON gross (including VAT, if applicable) and do not include delivery costs. For certain customers, such as legal entities who own corporate Accounts, prices may be displayed without VAT.

4.2. The Company reserves the right to change the prices of the Goods, but this will not affect the Orders placed by the User before the price change.

4.3. Information on the Goods posted on the Site does not constitute an offer, but it is an invitation to enter into a contract of sale (You can get acquainted with the public offer agreement separately by following the link: https://belany.ro/public-offer/).

4.4. Goods published on the Site are organized and displayed within relevant categories in chronological order, adhering to the following principles: the more recent the publication of the Goods, the higher they appear in the list compared to Goods that were published earlier. Additionally, within specific categories, Users have the option to further sort Goods based on various criteria, including but not limited to: 

  • Top sales: Goods with the highest sales volume or demand are prioritized at the top of the list. 

  • Popularity: Goods are ranked based on their level of popularity among Users, determined by factors such as User engagement, reviews, and overall interest. 

  • Price: Goods may be sorted by price, allowing Users to view items from lowest to highest or vice versa. 

  • Date of Receipt: Goods may be sorted based on the date of receipt or availability, enabling Users to identify newly added items or restocked products.

4.5. The Company endeavors to provide accurate and detailed descriptions of the Goods offered for sale on the  Site. However, Users acknowledge that product images, photos, descriptions, specifications, and other information provided may not always fully represent the actual product. The Company does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of such information and shall not be held liable for any discrepancies between the information provided, and the actual Goods received by the User.

4.6. While the Company strives to maintain adequate stock levels of all Goods featured on the Site, availability may vary and certain Goods may become temporarily or permanently unavailable.

5. Goods reviews

5.1. Users have the opportunity to leave reviews for Goods they have previously purchased, contributing to the collective feedback and evaluation of items available on the Site. Only registered Users are permitted to submit reviews, ensuring accountability and authenticity within the reviewing process. 

5.2. To submit a review, Users must log in to their Account and navigate to the Goods page of the item they wish to review. From there, they can access the review section and provide their feedback based on their firsthand experience with the product. 

5.3. Reviews must adhere to certain criteria to maintain quality and relevance. Users are encouraged to provide honest and constructive feedback, focusing on aspects such as the  quality of Goods, speed of Order processing, quality of communication with the Company, overall satisfaction, etc.

5.4. All reviews submitted by Users are displayed publicly on the Goods page, providing transparency and visibility to other Users, potential buyers or customers.

5.5. Reviews containing inappropriate content, including but not limited to: 

  • profanity, obscene and pornographic content or content that incites hatred, racism, xenophobia and interethnic conflicts;

  • content that violates the provisions of the law or the norms of public morality;

  • false or misleading information;

  • inappropriate or offensive content;

  • content that is false, defamatory, or contains manifestations of unfair competition;

  • the information does not relate to the description of the Goods or contains a description of the Goods that the User did not purchase on the Site;

  • website addresses or links to other websites;

  • data of users or other individuals, including, but not limited to: name and surname, place of residence, telephone number, address, bank account number;

  • content that violates the rights of third parties, including intellectual property rights, moral rights, including good name, reputation of other Users or third parties;

  • content that is the result of an agreement with other Users or third parties to influence the rating or reviews;

  • advertising, promotional content, other commercial content, or spam-like content, 

will not be tolerated and may be subject to removal by the Company.

5.6. The Company reserves the right to moderate and monitor reviews to uphold standards of fairness, accuracy, and integrity. Reviews that violate the Terms of Use or fail to meet the established criteria may be removed at the discretion of the Company and are not subject to appeal. 

5.7. Users may have the option to rate Goods using a star rating system or other applicable rating metrics. These ratings contribute to the overall assessment of product quality and User satisfaction, helping other Users quickly gauge the popularity and reputation of the Goods.

5.8. By submitting a review, the User grants the Company a non-exclusive, territorially unlimited, and royalty-free license to publicly display, showcase, modify, and delete the content of the review, so that an unlimited number of Users at any time and from any location can see it. Additionally, the Company reserves the right to make modifications or deletions to the review content as necessary to maintain the integrity and quality of the reviewing. Users retain ownership of their content but grant the Company the necessary rights to utilize it for the stated purposes outlined herein.

6. Newsletter

6.1. Your subscription to Our newsletter is not mandatory for using any of Our Services, including the purchase of any of Our Goods on the Site. However, individuals who register an Account may opt to receive Our newsletters and promotional materials at the email address provided during Account creation. Users may provide consent to receive these emails by ticking the appropriate checkbox, indicating their preference to receive newsletters and promotional messages via email. Non-registered Users can also subscribe to Our newsletter Services by submitting their email address in the newsletter section on the Site. 

6.2. By subscribing to the newsletter Services, You consent to receiving promotional emails from Us regarding Our Goods and Services at a frequency that We determine in Our sole discretion. To find out more information about how We process Personal Data, including Your email address, please read Our Privacy Policy https://belany.ro/privacy/.

6.3. We bare no responsibility if any of Our newsletters is not delivered to Your email, although We make every effort to ensure delivery. Occasionally, Our newsletters may be filtered into Your spam folder, so please check there if You do not receive them in Your inbox.

6.4. If You no longer wish to receive Our newsletters or wish to unsubscribe from Our mailing list, please contact Us either using the contacts provided on our Site or by utilizing the unsubscribe link provided in the newsletters We send to You. Please note that unsubscribing from Our newsletter does not affect Your ability to access Our Services or make purchases on the Site. It simply means that You will no longer receive promotional communications from Us via email.

7. External links

7.1. We reserve the right to post active links to websites that are not maintained by the Company. We do not verify, endorse, or have any responsibility for any such third party websites, their business practices (including, without limitation, their privacy policies), or any goods or services associated with or obtained in connection with any such website. If You visit websites through such links, You should review their privacy policies, terms of use, and other documents, as We are not responsible for the policies and practices of other companies.

7.2. These Terms govern only the Services and do not cover other websites or any corresponding content, features, and activities made available by any other company, even if URLs or hyperlinks to such websites are provided within the Services, unless specifically stated.

8. Limitations on Site usage

8.1. By using the Site, the User acknowledges that he / she has read and understood the Terms and will not use the Site for any purposes prohibited by the Terms or applicable legislation. 

8.2. The User is obligated to: 

  • occasionally independently review the Terms and Privacy Policy; 

  • adhere to the provisions of the Terms and comply with the lawful rights and interests of the Company;

  • provide only truthful and up-to-date information about the Goods when providing reviews;

  • refrain from using information about the Company, its contact details, and all Content contained on the Site for malicious or unlawful purposes;

  • not copy, reproduce, modify, distribute, display, publish, upload, transmit, sell, or otherwise distribute or use the Content and software of the Site in any form;

  • refrain from actions that may infringe upon the Company's copyrights, trademark rights, patents, commercial designs, industrial models, and other intellectual property rights;

  • not use the Site to distribute offensive, indecent, or obscene content;

  • not use the Site to post pornographic material or sponsored adult content; 

  • not use the Site for spamming or mass distribution of unsolicited commercial or advertising messages;

  • not create or use bots or automated scripts for illegal or harmful purposes;

  • not engage in abusive behavior towards customer service representatives or other Users of the Site, including harassment, threats, or intimidation;

  • not attempt to manipulate customer reviews or ratings through fake accounts, bribes, or other dishonest tactics;

  • not share or distribute any sensitive information of other Users without their explicit consent, including but not limited to personal contact information, financial details, or login credentials;

  • not engage in any form of fraudulent returns or chargebacks, such as claiming non-existent issues with products or disputing legitimate transactions;

  • not engage in any form of collusion or conspiracy with other Users to manipulate ratings, or reviews;

  • abstain from actions aimed at abusing the Site, including but not limited to the use of harmful software or technologies, or any other data containing malicious code, spam, etc., and refrain from actions aimed at destabilizing the Site's operation;

  • refrain from attempting to gain unauthorized access or interfere with the proper functioning of the Site, including bypassing security measures, interfering with the Site's operation, hacking, or otherwise disrupting the normal operation of the Site;

  • refrain from actions that impose or may impose (as determined by the Company at its discretion) undue or disproportionately large loads on the Site's infrastructure;

  • not use automated programs to access Site information;

  • not engage in any actions that violate the Company's recommendations and policies, use viruses, or any other computer codes, files, or programs designed or intended to interfere with, damage, limit, or interfere with the operation of any software, equipment, or telecommunications equipment, or to damage or gain unauthorized access to any system, data, or other information of the Company or any third party;

  • not decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to obtain any code of the Site or ideas or algorithms of any part of the Site; 

  • not disparage, damage the reputation, or otherwise harm, in Our understanding, Us and/or the Site.

8.3. Provided that the Company detects facts of unlawful use of the Site, as well as other facts of violations that contradict the Terms, the Company may take measures to restrict the User's access to the Site. 

9. Intellectual property rights

9.1. The program code, design elements, text, graphics, photos, images, illustrations, software, trademarks, and other intellectual property objects, as well as the Site and its Content, are objects of intellectual property rights owned by the Company and/or its lawful owners and are protected by the legislation of Romania on intellectual property, as well as by relevant international agreements and conventions, including but not limited to Civil Code (Law № 287/2009), Law № 8/1996 on copyright and related rights, Law № 84/1998 on trademarks and geographical indications, the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (Paris Act of 24.07.1971, as amended on 02.10.1979), the Universal Copyright Convention of 06.09.1952. 

9.2. The use of the Site is permitted solely within the framework of the proposed functionality. Access to intellectual property objects posted on the Site is provided solely for personal non-commercial use in the form of viewing without the right to reproduce, including the right to copy, download, save such objects to the User's device memory, as well as without the right to any other use not provided for by the Terms, including their sale, modification, distribution in whole or in part (elements), etc. 

9.3. Any other use of intellectual property objects not provided for by the Terms constitutes a breach of the Terms and may be grounds for holding the infringer liable under the current legislation of Romania. 

9.4. The use of the Site does not grant You or any third party any rights, titles, or interests in such intellectual property rights. Any intellectual property objects posted on the Site may be removed or modified without prior notice to the User. 

9.5. If You identify intellectual property objects on the Site that, in Your opinion, have been published unlawfully, You have the right to contact the Company with a request for the removal of such objects using the following email address: romaniabelany@gmail.com, providing the necessary legal documents. Following the review of Your request, the Company may remove the specified objects or provide justification for the legitimacy of their publication.

10. Personal Data protection

10.1. The Company is firmly committed to protecting the privacy of Your Personal Data. By using the Services, You acknowledge and agree that the Company's collection, usage and disclosure of this Personal Data is governed by Our Privacy Policy.

10.2. By accessing and using the Site, You agree to the terms outlined in Our Privacy Policy. If You do not agree with Our Privacy Policy, please do not use the Site.

11. Warranties

11.1. Access to the Site is provided “AS IS”, “AS AVAILABLE”, meaning without any warranties or obligations of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of title, non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, and any warranties implied by any course of performance or usage of trade, all of which are expressly disclaimed, except as provided by the Terms and the legislation of Romania. However, the Company makes every effort and takes all reasonably necessary technical and legal measures to ensure the secure use of the Site by Users and the security of Personal Data provided by each User while using the Site. 

11.2. The Company does not warrant or guarantee that: (1) the Site meets or will meet the requirements and expectations of the User; (2) the Site will be available continuously, with access being provided quickly, reliably, and without errors; (3) the Site is free from any errors, omissions, interruptions, deletions, typos, or other defects; (4) any defects or errors on the Site will be corrected; (5) the Site is free from any viruses or other harmful components; (6) the Site will be compatible with all devices, software, or browsers, and the User's technical device meets all the requirements for the Site's functionality to work without any interruptions; (7) all information provided on the Site is current, complete, or accurate; (8) the Site will be completely secure or free from unauthorized access or cyber threats and the security measures implemented on the Site will be foolproof against unauthorized access or breaches; (9) the timeliness of any content, information, or updates provided on the Site; (10) any Goods, products, or services mentioned or advertised on the Site are of merchantable quality or fit for a particular purpose; (11) constant availability of any Goods listed on the Site; (12) the content of reviews left on the Site by Users.

11.3. The Company shall endeavor to ensure that the use of the Site is as uninterrupted as possible within the scope of its technical and operational abilities, but there shall be no entitlement to uninterrupted use. It is not warranted that access to or use of the Site will not be interrupted or impaired by maintenance work, further developments or otherwise by disruptions.

11.4. By using the Services, the User agrees and warrants that User: (1) has the legal capacity to use the Services and consent to comply with the Terns; (2) will refrain from actions specified in section 8 hereof, which may have a negative impact on the operation of the Site; (3) will not use the Site in order to violate any applicable law or regulation.

11.5. The Company shall provide technical and organizational measures appropriate to the degree of danger to the security of the functionality or Services provided under the Terms. The use of Services is associated with typical risks of data transmission over the Internet, such as dissemination, loss or access by unauthorized persons.

12. Limitation of liability 

12.1. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the Company shall not be liable for: (1) the Site's functionality not meeting user expectations; (2) errors or malfunctions on the Site; (3) typographical errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or other defects in the Content, as well as the timeliness or accuracy of any information contained on the Site; (4) any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or incidental damages incurred or that may be incurred by Users as a result of the temporary suspension of the Site's operation; (5) the security of operation and content of third-party websites, links to which may be contained on the Site; (6) damages or harm caused as a result of another User's breach of the Terms; (7) the absence of proper internet connectivity for the User, resulting in difficulties accessing the Site; (8) the accuracy, reliability, or currency of the information provided by Users on the Site. 

12.2. In addition to any provision to this regard herein, to the fullest extent permitted by law, in no event shall We and our affiliates (nor Our directors, employees, agents, partners, suppliers, content providers, licensors or resellers) be liable to You and any third party related to You, under contract, tort, strict liability, negligence or any other legal or equitable theory with respect to the service (i) any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, cost of procurement of substitute Goods or services, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses arising out of or relating to the use of or inability to use the Service or these Terms (however arising, including negligence), (ii) for Your reliance on the Services (iii) for any matter beyond Our or their reasonable control, even if We have been advised of the possibility of any of the aforementioned damages.

12.3. We are not responsible for any delays, delivery failures or any other loss or damage resulting to the transfer of data over communications networks and facilities, including the internet, whereas You acknowledge that the Service and any data uploaded by You may be subject to limitations, delays and other problems inherent in the use of such communications. 

12.4. In addition, We shall not be liable for any kind of loss or damage You may suffer (a) due to loss or damage to any of You data or personal record and such loss is attributed to technical errors, delays or omissions of the telecommunications networks (b) due to misconduct and misuse of the Services by any authorized User and/or any third party and or any breach of applicable laws by any such party, (c) due to any event, situation, action or omission for which We have provided no guaranties, (d) termination of this Site and any Services provided herein. 

12.5. We bear no responsibility for any technical issues You may face during Your connection to the Site and also for any third party’s acts or omissions or third parties’ unauthorized access to any products, data, or information provided in Our Site.

12.6. Any information and/or opportunities accessed by Users through the use of the Site are used at the User's own risk, and the User is solely responsible for any consequences of using such information and/or opportunities, including any damages that such use may cause. The Company cannot control and does not monitor a User's compliance with the provisions of the Terms, and shall not be liable for any consequences resulting from a User's violation of the Terms and/or Romanian legislation. The Company shall not be liable for criminal, illegal, negligent acts or omissions of third parties associated with the use of the Site.

13. Indemnification

13.1. You agree to indemnify and hold Us and (as applicable) Our parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, officers, directors, agents, employees, and suppliers harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of (a) Your breach of these Terms or the documents it incorporates by reference; or (b) or Your violation of any law or the rights of a third party. You will be responsible for any breach of the Terms by Your affiliates, agents or subcontractors and will be liable as if it were Your own breach. Your use of the Services is at Your sole risk. 

13.2. You agree to reimburse the Company on demand for any defense costs incurred by the Company and any payments made or loss suffered by the Company, whether in a court judgment or settlement, based on any matter covered by this section.

13.3. The Company reserves the right, at Your expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter for which You are required to indemnify Us and You agree to cooperate with Our defense of these claims. You agree not to settle any matter without the prior written consent of the Company. The Company will use reasonable efforts to notify You of any such claim, action, or proceeding upon becoming aware of it.

13.4. If You are prohibited by law from entering into the indemnification obligation above, then You assume, to the extent permitted by law, all liability for all claims, demands, actions, losses, liabilities, and expenses (including attorneys’ fees, costs and expert witnesses’ fees) that are the stated subject of the indemnification obligation above.

14. Force majeure

14.1. The Company shall not be liable for any delays, failures, or interruptions in the operation of the Site caused directly or indirectly by force majeure circumstances, such as: war or military actions, earthquakes, floods, fires, and other natural disasters, disruptions in power supply or Internet network, hardware and/or software failures, virus attacks, actions of governmental authorities, or any other circumstances beyond Our control.

15. Dispute resolution 

15.1. These Terms are governed and interpreted in accordance with the current legislation of Romania. 

15.2. All disputes and discrepancies that may arise in connection with these Terms must be resolved through negotiations following the pre-trial procedure for dispute resolution. The pre-trial procedure for settling disputes is mandatory. All claims, proposals, and comments will be considered by the Company in writing and sent to the Company's email address, specifically at: romaniabelany@gmail.com, within 30 (thirty) days from the date of sending the letter by the User. In case it is impossible to resolve disputes through negotiations, any disputes, discrepancies, or issues arising from these Terms or related to them shall be finally settled in accordance with the current legislation of Romania. 

16. Severability 

16.1. If any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid or legally unenforceable, such provision shall be limited in effect or excluded to the minimum extent necessary for these Terms to otherwise remain valid and enforceable. The inability of the Company to enforce any part of these Terms does not constitute a waiver of the Company's right to subsequently enforce such or any other part of the Terms. Waiver of compliance with any provision in any particular instance does not mean that the Company has waived compliance with such provision in the future. 

17. Changes to the Terms 

17.1. We reserve the right to amend the Terms at any time and for any reason by posting a new version of the Terms. Please review the Terms from time to time to be aware of any changes or additions. You can always find the current version of the Terms by the link specified above in the Terms. In case of disagreement with the new version of the Terms, You must stop using the Site.

18. Contact information

18.1. If You have any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding the Terms, You may contact Us at the following email address: romaniabelany@gmail.com.